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person working on marketing for dental clinic

How to Use Print Marketing For Your Dental Clinic

When it comes to running your own clinic, using print marketing for your dental practice is important. With dentistry being a growing industry, more and more dentistry professionals are opening up their own individual clinics. In order to make your practice stand out and established, take advantage of print marketing for high results.

There are different ways to go about marketing your business with print, and it can certainly increase profitability when done correctly. So what are some highlights of print marketing that you should focus on?

Brand Identity

Like with many other businesses, your logo is one of the first things a consumer will see that associates with your business. It’s a trademark that gives consumers a first impression of your identity. As simplistic as it might seem, a logo can say a lot about what your organization is all about. It helps consumers easily recognize your business, giving it a sense of authenticity and establishment.

When designing your logo, there are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Keep it simple; don’t go too over-the-top with the design. The more complex the design, the harder it can be for consumers to follow what exactly your business does
  • Be original (don’t copy or steal ideas from other establishments!)
  • Limit your design to 3 colors maximum
  • Design a logo that lasts; your logo will ideally be used for longevity, so make sure that you’re happy with your final design

Once your logo is created, use it consistently on your print marketing for your dental clinic.

Print Products

With the advancements of the print industry, there are many different types of products you can print on to market your business. Dental clinics often rely on print marketing for reasons including:

  • Proactivity; print products like appointment cards can remind patients about going for checkups
  • Distributing; coupons or stamp cards can be given out as part of a loyalty program
  • Connecting with patients; print products can be informative and sends a strong message to patients

Many dentistry clinics make use of print marketing through a variety of different print products. Especially for dentistry clinics in local communities, it’s best to combine different print products together for higher impact. What are some print materials to consider for your practice?

Business Cards

As with any other business, a business card is an essential networking tool. Business cards are great for handing out to new potential patients who haven’t used your services before. Your business card is useful for patients to refer to as it has basic contact information they’ll need for making appointments or for further inquiries. Like other clinics, you could also make your business card into an appointment card/loyalty program card as well. You’ll find that these cards can be written on and stamped.


Going to the dentist or any medical clinic in general can be a nerve-wracking experience, especially before a scheduled procedure. Many clinics hand out brochures or pamphlets to patients before a scheduled procedure so that it can give patients an idea of what to expect during the operation. Brochures and pamphlets are meant to be informative and give insight on the importance of doing the procedure, as well as provide tips on aftercare.

Letterheads and Envelopes

Upgrade your communication by sending letters on custom printed letterheads. Having your clinic’s name, logo, and contact information adds professionalism to the letter. This builds client trust and assures your patients that they’re in good hands.

Then, don’t forget to print envelopes for those new business letterheads! Not only do envelopes add professionalism, but they also increase the chances of your customers opening it because it makes them easily recognizable as coming from their dentist. It also saves time for your clinic’s secretary or receptionist because they don’t have to print a return address label for every letter they send out. Your address will already be printed on the envelope.


If your clinic is looking for new patients, why not send a postcard to each home in the neighbourhood? They’re popular marketing materials used for direct mail advertising. They’re affordable and effective, and the best part is that some print companies offer services to help you sort them and send them to the post office (see eprintfast’s direct mailing services if you’re in Canada). You can even include coupons on these postcards to encourage people to try out your dental services. Include your contact information so that they can contact you. Remember, just getting them to pick up the phone to call you is a big step!

Dental clinics thrive when they use the right print tools to help them gain and keep clients. Eprintfast is a high-quality printing company with free templates for printing, including dental clinic templates that you can customize with your own branding. Get started at eprintfast for print marketing for your dental clinic.

Claire Langford
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Claire Langford
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Claire Langford Written by Claire Langford