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person reading ads with real estate marketing images

8 Ways to Market Your Real Estate Business

When it comes to knowing how to market your real estate business, there are a few tricks on how to drive awareness to your agency. With the real estate industry as competitive as ever, many agents are finding it more difficult to stand out in the field. The competition can be fierce, but reaching success with the right marketing strategy is possible!

There are many different ways to go about marketing your real estate business. Whether you’re implementing traditional or digital methods, make the most out of selling to home buyers. Check out these effective approaches that you can start using today.

Different Methods to Implement

a professional photo of an interior to use for real estate marketing
Photo by Nathan Fertig on Unsplash

1. Build an online presence

As expected in today’s modern world, our everyday life is dominated by everything digital. Many businesses and brands have grown their following by displaying their business online. This is mostly due to the rise and demand of online shopping. In fact, 97% of consumers use the Internet to find local businesses for services. According to a study from the National Association of Realtors, 92% of home buyers search online when it comes to hunting for a new home. 

With that being said, it’s important for brands to establish an online presence for their business. This can include:

  • Building a professional website for your brand
  • Being active on social media platforms (eg. Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc,)
  • Putting together an email list for newsletters

As you build up your online presence, be sure to put emphasis on quality. Consider investing into designers to create your website if you don’t have these skills. You don’t want your website to look tacky and unprofessional, or else customers will question the legitimacy of your business. For many businesses, their online website is what gives most customers the first impression; so make it good! 

2. Print your marketing material

In the real estate industry, print products are a valuable tool that plays a crucial role in selling property. There are many print products that can be beneficial for real estate agents, such as:

Despite being a traditional method, using print products is an effective marketing tool that many professionals in the real estate industry still rely on. As you drive through neighbourhoods in the community, you’re bound to pass by a few lawn signs advertising a real estate agency. 

3. Create video walkthroughs

When it comes to searching for the perfect house, home buyers are most interested in the visuals and features a home has to offer. Video walkthroughs are a creative way to show potential clients the features of the property before they decide to see it in person. Consider enlisting the help of a professional videographer or even investing in a drone. High-quality shots are important, as it gives home buyers an idea of what the space will be like.

4. Start a blog

As the housing market is continuously changing, it can be hard to keep up. For homeowners and new home buyers, it can be overwhelming to try and understand what goes on in the market. Since real estate agents know the industry better, it’s beneficial to provide insight that can help home buyers as they hunt for property. From providing trends in the market to giving tips on things that should be avoided, this is valuable information for clients. Blogs can be informative and give home buyers the impression that you’re reliable with the knowledge you have on the industry. You can answer questions that home buyers have, offer seller tips, etc. Having a blog for your business is also a great way to gain exposure for your business and is a low cost option for ranking higher on Google. When it comes to extending your hand to help, go about it in as many different ways as you can!

5. Buy ad spots

Think about where you typically come across advertisements for real estate, because it isn’t just on someone’s front lawn. What are other ways you can market your real estate business offline? By buying ad spots! Traditional advertising is still very much needed in today’s age, as not everyone is online. Ad spots can target older generations as well. So where are some places you can advertise?

  • Newspapers and magazines
  • Television commercials
  • Radio commercials
a large ad on a wall, which would be a helpful tool for real estate marketing
Photo by Yunming Wang on Unsplash

  Partner with other businesses and utilize advertising in your local community!

6. Get testimonials

One of the best ways to gain reliability and trust from new clients is to get testimonials from past clients. Testimonials and reviews can give a first impression to new clients who have yet to work with you. Reviews can help deliver value to your business and establish authenticity for the work you do. 

7. Put your listings on Zillow

If you’re familiar with Yelp, then think of Zillow as a similar platform, but for real estate! Zillow is a primary platform used by many buyers and sellers in the real estate industry, so make sure you’re on it! Take the time to build a strong profile and encourage clients to leave testimonials; this helps you pop up more in the market. The site gets over 130 million visits from users per month, so you may be missing out on getting more traffic if you’re not on the platform yet. 

8. Grow your network

Like with any other industry, networking is important. For those who are looking to market their real estate business, networking is crucial. Do whatever you can to expand your circle and meet new people. Join groups that are relevant to your industry, engage with other professionals and clients, and connect. This can help you access your target market and increase leads for sales. There are different ways to connect with others, whether it’s through LinkedIn or through referrals. Grab every opportunity you can!

With the right tools and strategies, you’ll find that marketing your real estate business can be rewarding. In every efficient marketing strategy, real estate professionals need to be active and engaging in order to target audiences. Implementing different tactics can increase your reach and help you to creatively win in selling home property. At eprintfast, we print for real estate agencies to help them market their business. From business cards to A-frame signs, we have all the print tools you need to network, sell more properties, and get your name noticed. Start shopping for your print marketing tools at eprintfast.com

Claire Langford
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Claire Langford
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Claire Langford Written by Claire Langford